Better design for fast growing companies

Revamping and Optimizing the Settings Flow for FullBridge

UX & Visual Design - SaaS

Landing page for standard subscription users in Full Bridge

UX & Visual Design - SaaS

SgT BC Application
Product Design - B2B Mobile App

Mobile app for inspectors to save time and enhance functionality

Oorwin Applicant Tracking System
UX & Visual Refresh CRM

Integrated CRM, ATS & HRMS platform, home to staffing and consulting companies.

Fabhotels Front Desk Management System
Prototype & Design Hospitality

Intuitive task management system for front desk staff at FabHotels.

HackerEarth - Online coding platform
Design Automation

Helping 7.6M+ developers be better through coding contests, and data science competitions.

API Documentation Portal
Rewamp Business Intelligence

The intelligent platform for quality assurance allows for managing, analyzing, and improving supply chain quality from a single platform.

SGT Management System
Product Design BI

The management system allows customers to track information on suppliers, factories, and product quality.

Other interesting work
CX Product Marketing

We create Marketing videos, Designs and other artwork that indirectly contribute to product success.
